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Transformation: What I Read in 2024

Cheryl Balcom

an open book on a table in a library

I may be a bit late to the party to share what I read in 2024, but a true book nerd knows that any time is a good time to talk about books!

The past year's reading has proven once again how much I love a story of transformation, of growth, of learning. Reading how the lives of people, whether real or imagined, are changed by kindness, adventure, and mistakes—and especially by the grace of God—is captivating.

I began the reading year with gusto, aiming to work through Visual Theology’s 2024 Reading Challenge and hoping to complete their potential 104-book reading schedule. As much as the structure of reading books in certain categories appealed to me, and I hoped to stretch my reading comfort zone a little, about halfway through I digressed (regressed?) to just reading books I wanted to read.

When all was said and done, I broke my personal record of 96 and read 103 books! This total includes audiobooks, books I read aloud to my adult daughter with special needs, and Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology, a 1400-plus-page tome (with workbook) that I began in January of 2023 and finally completed just before Christmas!

I finished with an almost even split between fiction (50) and nonfiction (53), and I chose some of my favorite reads in each category to share with you:


The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt

The data on the effects of social media and the internet on teens is in, and though it’s not surprising, it’s extremely informative. I liked that Haidt doesn’t just highlight the problems but offers appropriate and workable solutions that involve anyone who cares about the mental health of future generations.

Walking in Unity: Biblical Answers to Questions on Race and Racism by Krista Bontrager and Monique Duson (read my Amazon review)

Monique and Krista are the co-founders of The Center for Biblical Unity, where they discuss hot topics of today in light of biblical truth. I have enjoyed their podcast and YouTube channel since it began, just before the social unrest of 2020. Krista, who is White, and Monique, who is Black, were both professing Christians when they met, but held very different views about topics such as racism, justice, and social reform. The story of how they preserved their friendship as sisters in Christ despite their differences is compelling, honest, and encouraging!

Finding Peace, Keeping Hope by Stuart Scott

This small book is part of the 31-Day Devotionals For Life series from P&R Publishing. It’s a breath of fresh air for the parent weary with concern for an adult child who is not walking with the Lord. Each day is full of biblical truth for your current situation, Scriptures to refer to, and questions for reflection. I found it a great reminder that no matter how painful or stressful the situation, God is in control, and keeping my eyes fixed on Him is always the answer.

The book "Finding Peace, Keeping Hope" lying on a table next to a cup of tea

Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West by Stephen Ambrose

I love a book with maps! It was fascinating to learn the whole story behind Lewis and Clark, names that are familiar to most Americans. This account of the search for the Northwest Passage, such an incredible feat for the time, was intriguing. However, the exploration that was so important to our country did not come without grave consequences.

Elisabeth Elliot: A Life by Lucy S.R. Austen

I read Gates of Splendor years ago, knew of the Jim Elliot story, and have seen my share of Elisabeth Elliot quotes. This was a great way to get to know the person and the life she lived. Spoiler alert: she was a regular, flawed human, yet loved the Lord and desired to serve him wholeheartedly, and her faith has inspired millions.

The Imperfect Disciple: Grace for People Who Can't Get Their Act Together by Jared C. Wilson

As one who struggles with perfectionism in almost all facets of my life, I found this book so meaningful. Jared’s writing is both humorous and direct. “Not a book for people who put notches on their Belt of Truth every time they read a book on discipleship,” this is “a book for the Christians whose discipleship has gotten them a little bloody.” This book is real, raw, sometimes laugh-out-loud funny, and sometimes heartbreakingly close to home. I found it a great comfort to the weary disciple who is trying hard to remain faithful in his or her “followship” of Jesus.



David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

David Copperfield begins, like other novels by Dickens, with a bleak picture of childhood in Victorian England, followed by young Copperfield's slow social ascent, as he painfully provides for his aunt, while continuing his studies. David Copperfield is also an autobiographical novel: "a very complicated weaving of truth and invention", with events following Dickens's own life.

I was pleasantly surprised by Dickens during my reading journey and ended up reading four of his books, but this one was my favorite. I found that if I persevered through Dickens’ delightful rambling, I was often rewarded with a burst of out-loud laughter. I enjoyed every minute of what was considered the closest thing to his autobiography.

The cover of "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens

Whistling Past the Graveyard by Susan Crandall

In the summer of 1963, nine-year-old Starla Claudelle runs away from her strict grandmother’s Mississippi home. Starla’s destination is Nashville, where her mother went to become a famous singer, abandoning Starla when she was three. Walking a lonely country road, Starla accepts a ride from Eula, a black woman traveling alone with a white baby. Now, on the road trip that will change her life forever, Starla sees for the first time life as it really is—as she reaches for a dream of how it could one day be.

I enjoyed seeing the transformation and healing in both Starla and Eula. Their friendship is honest and sweet, as only friendship with a child can be. Despite her heartbreaking relationship with her mother and the painful prejudice that Eula faces, Starla and her new friend persevere to find a new beginning. A (refreshingly) positive male character helps give the story a hope-filled ending.

Mrs. Porter Calling by A.J. Pearce

Emmy’s world is turned upside down when glamorous socialite, the Honorable Cressida Porter, becomes the new publisher of the magazine and wants to change everything about it. Aided by Mrs. Pye, a Paris-obsessed editor with delusions of grandeur, and Small Winston, the grumpiest dog in London, Mrs. Porter fills the pages with expensive fashions and frivolous articles about her friends. Worst of all, she announces that she is cutting the advice column. Her vision for the publication’s future is dreadful and Emmy is determined to fight back.

The third and last book of the Dear Mrs. Bird series is lighthearted yet honest in its portrayal of the WWII era in which it takes place. Emmy Lake is winsome, plucky, and tenacious as she does her best to be a beacon of light through the advice column she writes for the magazine. I enjoyed the British lingo of the times, the development of the characters and their relationships, and the spirit of teamwork, determination, and hope that permeated the series.

Virgil Wander by Leif Enger

Movie house owner Virgil Wander is “cruising along at medium altitude” when his car flies off the road into icy Lake Superior. Though Virgil survives, his language and memory are altered. Awakening in this new life, Virgil begins to piece together the past.

I read Enger’s most recent novel, I Cheerfully Refuse, in 2024 and though I enjoyed it, I felt drawn to go back and re-read my favorite. Virgil is a sweet bachelor you will instantly root for as he recovers from this curious car accident. Part mystery, part romance, and filled with Enger’s exquisite prose, it’s one to curl up and savor for the beauty of the writing alone.

The Color of Home by Kit Tosello

Audrey Needham, Bay Area interior designer to the rich and pretentious, is down to her last nerve. Her boss is impossible to please, her future is in jeopardy, and her great-aunt Daisy needs support as her husband descends into Alzheimer's. When Daisy enlists Audrey's help preparing for a move to assisted living, Audrey risks her career to return to the idyllic small town of Charity Falls, Oregon, the summer stomping grounds of her childhood. But Charity Falls was also the place that broke her heart when her father was killed in a tragic fire at the Sugar Pine Inn thirteen years ago.

Kit Tosello's first novel was one of those rare books that satisfies my desire for both lovely writing and the hope of the gospel. Watching Audrey's transformation and realignment of priorities as she tries to make the next right decision is delightful and thought-provoking. I found myself drawn in by Audrey's love for color and design, a pleasing aspect of the story. And of course, the book/tea shop in Charity Falls had me wishing I could live there. There are so many sweet side stories: a mentor relationship with a child, her love and respect for her uncle and aunt (we get to see Aunt Daisy's point of view throughout the book as well), not to mention the romantic interest who is kind, likable, and "real." A delightful, uplifting read.

Honorable Mentions:

I took a little trip down memory lane in 2024 and read a few books from my childhood. These two were special treasures:

Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh

This enjoyable dip into my childhood brought a fresh understanding of the story: the written word can be a tool to help one understand the world, but can also wield pain if not combined with grace. And of course, what eleven-year-old child understands grace? As one who regularly journals, I would be lying if I said I never wondered if others would ever read my private words. Harriet never considers that and suffers the consequences! I read this several times as a kid, relating so to young Harriet’s need to process her world by writing down her observations. As an adult, I enjoyed reading about the quirky grown-ups in her life that gave a convincing feel for the place and time.

Heidi by Johanna Spyri

I came across an old, old copy of this book in the Air B&B we stayed in this summer and read it in less than twelve hours. What a joy to revisit the book I treasured as a child, for the breathtaking descriptions of the Swiss Alps in all seasons, and of toasted cheese and fresh goat’s milk with Grandfather. I hadn’t remembered that so much biblical truth radiated from the character of Clara’s grandmother, touching both Heidi’s and her grandfather’s hearts; something I hadn’t picked up on as a child but was pleased to recognize as an adult.

A hand holding up an old copy of the book "Heidi" by Johanna Spyri

"That is the reason, Heidi, that you are so unhappy, because you know no one who can help you. Think what a comfort it is when we feel sad to be able at any moment to go and tell everything to God. He can help us and give us everything that will make us happy again."

A sudden gleam of joy came into Heidi's eyes. "May I tell Him everything, everything?"

"Yes, everything, Heidi, everything." (Clara's grandmother to Heidi, p. 121-122)



Thanks for sticking with me to the end of this long post—now I know you are a true book lover. :)

Have you read any of these books? What was your favorite read of 2024? Let me know in the comment section below!

4 comentarios

28 ene

Wow, Cheryl! Over 100 books?? I don't know if I'm a fast enough reader ever to hit that level. Thanks for all of your suggestions and reviews. One (The Anxious Generation) was already on my TBR list, and I will be adding others. Leif Enger is an author I've been wanting to read. And with Black History Month coming up, I've been on the lookout for some good books on crossing racial barriers. There are just too many books and not enough hours in the day! (Linda H)

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Linda, I hear you! My TBR list is growing faster than my granddaughter.😉 If you want to read Leif Enger, Peace Like a River is his first novel, which is a great read, too! Thanks for stopping by :)

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27 ene

This is a challenge to me to use less bookmarks and get to the end before putting books back on the shelf. Great summations of what your read. If I read anything through this year you sold me on David Copperfield.

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Jerry, life is too short to finish a book you're not enjoying! If you can stick with Dickens' long stories, I think you will enjoy his writing. :)

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